It's an Illusion: The Psychology Behind LEGO Serious Play

Magical Sessions to Improve Team Communication, Collaboration, and Connection

What Looks Like Play is Amazing Communication in Teams

"It's an illusion!"

- a phrase made famous by Gob Bluth from Arrested Development. While Gob was referring to his magic tricks, the concept perfectly encapsulates the magic of LEGO Serious Play (LSP). On the surface, LSP might look like simple child's play, but in reality, it's a sophisticated and highly effective group communication method used by organizations like NASA, the Department of Defense, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and more!

The Illusion of Play

LEGO Serious Play works by creating an environment that feels playful and free, but beneath this façade is a powerful tool designed to unlock creativity, foster equal representation, and ensure psychological safety. Here’s how it works:

  1. Equal Representation: In traditional meetings, louder voices often dominate, leaving quieter participants unheard. LSP ensures that every participant builds and shares their model, giving everyone an equal opportunity to express their ideas.

  2. Psychological Safety: The tactile and visual nature of LEGO models allows participants to externalize their thoughts and ideas in a non-threatening way. This method reduces the fear of judgment or retribution, creating a psychologically safe environment for honest and open communication.

  3. Deep Engagement: The hands-on, minds-on approach of LSP engages participants more deeply than standard brainstorming sessions. The act of building with LEGO bricks stimulates creativity and helps participants articulate complex ideas more clearly.

Why It Works

LEGO Serious Play has been adopted by leading organizations worldwide for a reason—it works. The Department of Defense uses it for strategy development, NASA for project management, and Google for team building. These organizations recognize that the playful surface of LSP conceals a robust framework for achieving deep insights and innovative solutions.

Personal Experience with Top Companies

I've had the privilege of working with giants like Microsoft, Amazon, and Major League Baseball, facilitating LSP sessions that have transformed how teams communicate and collaborate. The "illusion" of play quickly reveals its true purpose: fostering a collaborative environment where every idea is valued and explored.

See the Magic in Person

Ready to experience the magic of LEGO Serious Play for yourself? Whether you're looking to enhance team dynamics, drive innovation, or simply improve communication, LSP can help you achieve your goals. Don't let the illusion fool you—underneath the play lies a powerful method for real results.

Contact me today to see this magic in action and discover how LSP can transform your team. Let's build something amazing together! We have facilitators in New York, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Tampa Bay, Chicago, San Diego, Dallas, and more! We also travel!


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