Keeping Time - With LEGO Serious Play

Audit your time using only LEGO Bricks


Do you know where your time goes?

In this video I use elements of the LEGO Serious Play Method (which I use for workshops and team building) to dissect the time in your day.

We all have 24 hours in a day and I recommend trying this exercise to visualize where your time is going! We'll use elements of the LEGO Serious Play method, specifically anchoring, to SEE how it all comes together.

Partial Transcript:
Hey everyone, Brandon, the Lego guy here, we're going to do a little experiment today. And we're going to use Legos and anchoring to look at how we spend the time in our day.

So let's go.

Okay, so the one thing we know that's true about time is everyone gets the same 24 hours in a day.

We're going to start off with six bricks, each equaling four hours of time for each one, simple enough.

Of course, every single day, we have to sleep. Let's take eight hours,

And then we're going to take another eight hours because well, we probably have to work.

Which leaves us with eight hours left.

Now let's get four two hour time blocks.

I like to eat, so I'm going to put two hours off to the side for food.

With six hours, I'm thinking a lot of folks that I know have children and are driving them around to soccer practice or other activities, so two hours for driving and getting kids to and from their destination.

Now we have four one hour time blocks. And now we can look at what is left in our day.

Maybe we do a little journaling

Maybe you'd like to watch television for an hour at night, to decompress.

Maybe we'd like to call and talk to other folks on the phone for another hour, which leaves us still with a whole hour.

So let's break it up into two half hours left.

And maybe this is what's left and you can do whatever you want with them.

Maybe that that special project or that new business idea.

And that last half hour, well, you know what, maybe you reach out to your old weird cousin, you know, maybe they just need a little bit of a hand and you want to turn them around and make them smile.
So we're going to, at least for this day, we're going to give an extra half hour to that cousin.

The cool part about this exercise is all you need is a stack of bricks and you can break apart the day anyway you want.

You can do it with your team. Have everyone get a set of Lego bricks and break up how they spend their time.

Give it a try. Let me know what you find.

Maybe you find that there's some extra time to spend with friends you haven't seen in a while.

Keep having fun with your day- Brandon the Lego guy here, have a wonderful one.


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