Listen with Curiosity to Uncover Team Tension Points

Three Ways to Listen with Curiosity

Ask Why, Pay attention to Body Language, and Ask “Is there more?”

To truly uncover what might be affecting employee morale, approach conversations with genuine curiosity. Here are three approaches that will help you understand what is truly getting in the way of your team’s success.

Use the Three Whys:

When addressing concerns, ask 'why?' at least three times to delve deeper into the root cause. This helps uncover root causes instead of surface issues. Many folks will share a symptom of an issue without sharing what the key impact. Some examples of how to use this are : Why is that important? Why did/does that matter? Why is this impacting you? This will give people a tool to dig deeper.

Pay Attention to Body Language and Non-Verbal Communication

Words only convey part of the story. Observing body language and non-verbal cues can offer valuable insights into unspoken concerns or feelings. Some body language to pay attention to is eye movement, (rolling), head tilting, sighing, impatience (tapping of foot or item). If possible, try to dig deeper when you notice changes or shifts in these areas.

Use the Phrase, "Is There More?":

Encourage open communication by inviting team members to share further thoughts or feelings. This simple prompt can often lead to meaningful revelations. In some areas we filter ourselves, and this gives permission to keep going. It also might give people the space to finish a key thought.

Approach listening as an exploration. When you listen with curiosity, you don't just hear words; you understand the essence behind them, paving the way to genuinely boost employee morale.

One of the reasons we LOVE the LEGO Serious Play method is that it makes everyone in a group listen with curiosity. Contact us to learn more!

#ActiveListening #EmployeeEngagement


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