Boost Performance and Connection in Teams Through Play
There is an inherent tension between productivity and play.
Think about the play journey for most of us. As kids, play comes naturally. It's a state of being and the way in which we familiarize ourselves with the world.
We play with ideas, professions, roles, and more. We play to connect with others, form relationships, and learn how to interact with one another.
Yet, in our teen years, the tension starts to form. I have watched this tension in my nieces and nephew. On the one hand, play is fun! But there is this force pulling on the adulthood side. A force that promises more freedom and responsibility. I can see this tension play out and distinctly remember my own journey.
Specifically I remember sitting with the adults and choosing to sit still and nod my head when people spoke as if I had any clue what was truly being discussed. 😀 This was form a play in and of itself, but it shows the initial stages of departure from play.
As adults, many of us come back to play, yet this stigma that play = not useful seems to exist.
I see this come to life often when potential clients get really excited about doing a LEGO based session, and then it gets killed because….Play. ☹
Yet the best teams, the most engaged, prosocial, and connected, use play.
Play connects us, play opens up our neural pathways, play diminishes group norms, play brings our true self to the table.
Maybe these serious people are afraid that play will expose parts of them that they wish to remain hidden? The serious and professional persona they've worked so hard to build.
To admit there is a child inside, one that is silly, playful, open to experimentation, silliness, and wild ideas.
That might just be too much.
Luckily there are tons of leaders out there that see the value of productive play.
What do you think? Are we playful enough in our work pursuits? Is professional the antithesis of play in your workplace? Need more play and connection in your workplace?
Check out our services page and find a playful session for you and your team!