
Facilitated Team Building is Better than Free Range Team Building
Brandon Wetzstein Brandon Wetzstein

Facilitated Team Building is Better than Free Range Team Building

Think of the variety of team building events you’ve done- Most of them are free range. Happy hour, games, and even volunteering can be energizing and enjoyable, yet the interactions between people aren’t designed to connect. You are hoping for randomized collisions to help people connect. Facilitated events creates collisions and harnesses them to create connection with intent.

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Three Methods for Building a High Performing Team
Brandon Wetzstein Brandon Wetzstein

Three Methods for Building a High Performing Team

Building a high-performing team is a continuous journey, not a destination. By focusing on robust communication, fostering empathy, and celebrating both successes and learnings, leaders can pave the way for creating teams that are not only successful but also deeply connected and motivated

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Why LEGO Serious Play is Great for Team Building
Brandon Wetzstein Brandon Wetzstein

Why LEGO Serious Play is Great for Team Building

By having teams build their thoughts about themselves  (and the team) out of LEGO bricks, a few things occur.

The idea is externalized - making it much easier to talk about

The model holds much of the weight of the talking, so less words are needed

It's easy for others to understand the model via metaphor so less questions are needed.

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