Team Communication Lessons from Jury Duty

A Complex Communication Challenge We can Learn From

Team Communication Lessons from Jury Duty

Ah, the jury summons has come in the mail again.

I've been around the sun enough times that this isn't my first jury dance. I even served on a 3week murder trial 15 years ago!

However this was my first time In NYC and I was curious about the process, so I payed very close attention to how the whole process ran, especially the communication.

Honestly, I was quite impressed.

Think of the problem that has to be solved here (there are many)

  • You have to give clear and concise information to an extremely diverse group of people with various understanding of the law and the process.

  • You want to ensure clarity and brevity as there is only so much time and attention to spare

  • You want to inspire some sense of civic duty as most folks would definitely prefer to be somewhere else.

This is a tall order!

Here are the biggest take aways from how they handled the challenge:

  1. Immediately communicate expectations of what people should be doing right now.

  2. Immediately provide an avenue for people who need exceptions (There was another line and room for just this)

  3. Define the process and how the day will work (including timing, breaks, and how the jury will be selected)

  4. Clarify what will happen if chosen (videos were shown for this)

  5. Share why this is important (Civic duty)

Here is how these could apply to any other communication challenge:

  1. Know the problem(s) you are trying to solve

  2. Know what your audience needs (and in what order)

  3. Deliver the shortest most succinct messaging that can solve for both

  4. If possible, get feedback, learn, iterate.

One of the bigger benefits of the jury selection process is repetition. The people delivering the message and process do this day in and day out, and they know what people really want and to know.

If you're not this person in your team or org, find the closest thing and consult with them.

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