An Easy Team Building Question to Boost Connection

What Did You Want to Be?


Discover Your Team’s Through History Through Team Building

Want an easy team building question?

Try this: What did you want to be when you "grew up" ?

I added this to our team building sessions for both remote and in person teams and people love it!

Here is why I think its such a powerful question:
1. Its safe: We don't know much as kids, so whatever we wanted to be was guided by the small world we understood.
2. It's fun: This brings us back to a simpler time, and when we use LEGO's, this adds to the playful nature of the question, and a playful time in our lives.
3. It's somewhat revealing: Not too deep, but it can show passions that may still be alive today
4. It allows us to see others with more depth and dimension.

Here are some common "Answers" to this question
Professional Athlete

What did you want to be when you grew up?

(Mine are Baseball Player and Standup Comedian! 😁)

Contact us today for more questions that will get your team connected and building better together!


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