
Harnessing the Power of Competition in Team Building
In every team, competition inevitably emerges. Individuals often compete for the best idea, attention, or simply to satisfy their ego. This competitive spirit can be harnessed positively, transforming it into a driving force for innovation and problem-solving. The key lies in how we frame competition within the team dynamic.

The Human Communication System in Teams
Using this as a mental model makes it easy to see why and how communication breakdowns happen, especially in teams.
For this post, I'll dig specifically into the system itself, applying the 5 stages of a communication system to people, and then extract how this impacts people and teams in various scenarios. Once you see how the system is easily applied, you'll be able to deconstruct communication challenges in a new and simpler way.

Hierarchy of Communication Challenges: Unveiling the Layers
Effective communication is often cited as the cornerstone of successful organizations. However, communication issues are typically symptoms of deeper, underlying challenges. By understanding these layers hierarchically, companies can pinpoint where true communication challenges lie and address them more effectively. Let's explore this hierarchy and uncover the root causes of communication breakdowns.

An Easy Team Building Question to Boost Connection
Here is why I think its such a powerful question:
1. Its safe: We don't know much as kids, so whatever we wanted to be was guided by the small world we understood.
2. It's fun: This brings us back to a simpler time, and when we use LEGO's, this adds to the playful nature of the question, and a playful time in our lives.
3. It's somewhat revealing: Not too deep, but it can show passions that may still be alive today
4. It allows us to see others with more depth and dimension.

Discover Your Team’s Passions Through Team Building
Dale Carnegie said "To be interesting, be interested. People get animated when they get to talk about their passions. When done correctly in groups, this adds to the depth and dimension in which people see each other. When we know people better, we share more easily, are more vulnerable, more forgiving, and more open. The key is to make this feel natural and not forced.