
How LEGO Serious Play is like Reese’s Pieces for Team Development
Brandon Wetzstein Brandon Wetzstein

How LEGO Serious Play is like Reese’s Pieces for Team Development

Some of the major challenges in group dynamics are the speed, pace, and focus of the individuals and group. This is why facilitated sessions are so valuable as they get people focused and paced similarly.  For us at IN8 Create, we love using LEGO Serious Play as our primary method. Like Reese's Pieces, It breaks down the session into bite sized rewarding segments.  I purposely use the term rewarding because for each challenge question, participants get to create a LEGO model and a story that's tied to it. 

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The Top 5 Commonalities That Arise From Our Team Building Events
Brandon Wetzstein Brandon Wetzstein

The Top 5 Commonalities That Arise From Our Team Building Events

Here are the five most popular commonalities that arise in our team buidling sessions:1. Pets - People LOVE their pets, and honestly like sharing info about them.2. Kids - Same as above3. Hobbies - Sports? Cooking? Interior Decoration? Yes! 4. Musical Instruments - I separated from hobbies as this group has a certain respect for one another 5. Vacations and Travel - Who doesn't love a good vacation?

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