The Top 5 Commonalities That Arise From Our Team Building Events

Relationships Matter


Relationships are defined by their depth. This is why we cherish old relationships and it can be hard to form new ones.

This is especially true at work as we tend to view our work relationships in their own category.

Yet a relationship remains, even if it is based in work transactions only.

Organzations know, however, that relationships are necessary in the workplace, and the stronger they are, the better the organization can perform.More empathy, more understanding, and more patience help orgs and teams forge better solutions.

Less of any of the above gives a rise to zero sum games and team in-fighting.

So the key here is to get people to see the depth in one another.

This doesn't have to be extremely deep, but go a level beyond the weather and what the local sportsball team did last night.

Here are the five most popular commonalities that arise in our team buidling sessions:

1. Pets - People LOVE their pets, and honestly like sharing info about them.
2. Kids - Same as above
3. Hobbies - Sports? Cooking? Interior Decoration? Yes!
4. Musical Instruments - I separated from hobbies as this group has a certain respect for one another
5. Vacations and Travel - Who doesn't love a good vacation?

If you can get your team to talk about and share these items, you'll be one step futher to creating better depth of understanding and appreciation in your teams.

Need help? We do this with LEGOs, and people LOVE IT! Book Your Session Today and find out what your team has in common!


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