
Building Empathy in Teams With Personal Stories
Brandon Wetzstein Brandon Wetzstein

Building Empathy in Teams With Personal Stories

Steve from accounting becomes Steve the guy who played baseball in the Little League World Series. Your team has a ton of stories like this and when shared, they will add depth and dimension to the relationships in your team. When we can hear, see, and understand the depth and dimension behind our teammates histories, we gain appreciation for them as a person. We understand they are more than the role they fill.

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Navigating Territorial Expertise in Teams
Brandon Wetzstein Brandon Wetzstein

Navigating Territorial Expertise in Teams

Imagine a department is represented by physical territory. When someone represents a department, they are a representing the whole territory. Basic expectations, norms, communication modalities and even how the mission, vision, and values show up can be vastly different in each territory. As organizations get larger, so can the variance between these territories.

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Team Engagement, Retention, and Experience, OH MY!
Brandon Wetzstein Brandon Wetzstein

Team Engagement, Retention, and Experience, OH MY!

Engagement, Retention, and Experience, OH MY! This was the the theme of last nights joyful networking event. Some of the questions: 🤔 Build a model that shows what environments or conditions you have found to be most conducive to fostering employee engagement🤔💡 Build a model that that shows what strategies you have used to measure and improve retention rates🤔💡🤖 Build a model that shows how technology has transformed engagement, retention, and/or employee experience in your organization. This goes to show the power of LEGO Serious Play and how it can connect and engage both teams and people who don’t work together.

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Defining Objectives for Team Off Site Meetings
Brandon Wetzstein Brandon Wetzstein

Defining Objectives for Team Off Site Meetings

Coming up with an objective is the most difficult part of what we do. This was true when I ran workshops and off-sites internally and continues in my client work today. Here is a tip - Use a pre-mortem approach when thinking about the outcomes. Imagine your offsite/workshop is over, and it was a grand success! What does it feel like? What are people saying? How does work change moving forward?

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AI Tools Exist to Boost Team Performance
Brandon Wetzstein Brandon Wetzstein

AI Tools Exist to Boost Team Performance

As we get more and more tools to improve efficiency and communication, it will become even more important for organizations to figure out how to empower teams to work together at their best. This is no easy task, especially in the face of more challenging ways of working; remote, hybrid, and distributed. My hypothesis is that the most important skills to build right now are people skills. The capacity to collaborate, innovate, and create together is where the true value will be in the coming years.

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Does Your Team Have an Air Sandwich Communication Challenge?
Brandon Wetzstein Brandon Wetzstein

Does Your Team Have an Air Sandwich Communication Challenge?

One of the biggest challenges that compounds the air sandwich effect is the level of domain expertise from a hierarchy lens. As leaders look at the forest, and operational staff looks at the trees. Someone has to figure out the transition between the two. The best fix? Finding common ground through empathy and understanding. True understanding from all levels allows for everyone to seek win-win scenarios because success is defined clearly for all.

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