Networking, Play, and Collaboration with LEGO Serious Play
Team Engagement, Retention, and Experience, OH MY!
Engagement, Retention, and Experience, OH MY!
This was the the theme of last nights joyful networking event I ran in partnership with New York City SHRM and Justworks!
Some of the questions we dove into:
🤔 Build a model that shows what environments or conditions you have found to be most conducive to fostering employee engagement
🤔💡 Build a model that that shows what strategies you have used to measure and improve retention rates
🤔💡🤖 Build a model that shows how technology has transformed engagement, retention, and/or employee experience in your organization
The event flew by, aided by delicious treats and beverages!
The conversations were fantastic and I'm sure will continue as people connected and shared challenges and solutions they experienced!
This goes to show the power of LEGO Serious Play and how it can connect and engage both teams and people who don’t work together.
It’s about taking a shared journey, reflecting on one’s own experiences, and truly listening to others.
Maybe your group would enjoy connecting people around a similar topic that is fun and engaging? Contact us today to find out how we can build a custom and memorable event with LEGO Serious Play - Bonus if you are in New York City, where we are based!