
Unraveling Thoughts: LEGO Serious Play for Goal Setting
In a recent presentation on play, I shared this exercise as a way to view a goal in a unique way- by using LEGO bricks!
Step 1: Build YOU
Step 2: Build your goal - what is it you are trying to achieve
Step 3: Build the most likely barrier to your success - place it between you and your goal.
Step 4: Build how you will prevent this barrier or overcome it.
Although this isn’t technically LEGO Serious Play - You are using the elements of metaphor, 3D, and mental offloading to better understand your scenario. Imagine how much more powerful this could be if done in a group! (Hint- A lot!)

Unlocking the Mind: Achieve Clarity with LEGO Serious Play
Your mind is a messy attic…
There is a ton of stuff being stored up there and you can't always access what you want.
With objects, we can mentally offload information onto them, allowing us to see, rearrange, and even play with them, providing new perspectives and a deeper understanding. You also get benefit of externalization.
On top of these benefits, we get something called detachment gain. According to Daniel Reisberg, this is the cognitive benefit we receive from putting a bit of distance between ourselves and the content of our minds