Unraveling Thoughts: LEGO Serious Play for Goal Setting

A Novel Approach to Visualizing Goals and Barriers

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Ever thought of using LEGO to visualize your personal or professional goals? It's not just child's play. In a riveting presentation on the essence of play, I introduced an innovative exercise to perceive one's objectives through the vibrant and tangible world of LEGO bricks.

Step 1: Craft a LEGO representation of yourself.

Step 2: Envision and construct your goal using LEGO.

Step 3: Identify and build the primary obstacle that stands between you and your objective.

Step 4: Design a LEGO solution to either thwart this barrier or surpass it.

While this might seem simplistic at a glance, I've facilitated this approach countless times, assisting friends and relatives in narrowing down the essentials of their aspirations.

Here's the magic behind it: Externalizing our internal musings helps in decluttering the intricate maze of our minds. Our apprehensions, anticipated results, associated feelings, and more get intertwined in our thoughts. By physically representing them, we obtain a clearer, unbiased perspective.

While the method might not strictly adhere to LEGO Serious Play's guidelines, the core principles remain. We leverage metaphorical representation, three-dimensional visualization, and cognitive offloading to delve deeper into our challenges and aspirations. The impact amplifies exponentially when this activity is expanded to a collective setting.

Why not take a leap and experience this method for yourself? Your insights might surprise you!


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