Balancing Candor with Psychological Safety in Senior Leadership Communication
Balancing Candor with Psychological Safety in Senior Leadership Communication
Balancing Honest Feedback with Safe Spaces: Unraveling the Complex Dance of Leadership Communication
Recently, I facilitated an event aimed at crafting a definitive model of exceptional communication within senior leadership teams. It struck me as the ideal scenario for a LEGO Serious Play session, and trust me, the results were nothing short of captivating.
In any environment fraught with tension, one can usually discern two competing forces. Predictably, the discussions gravitated towards familiar themes such as collaboration, trust, alignment, and mutual understanding. However, an unexpected dichotomy emerged that threw us for a loop: the interplay between candor (or bravery) and psychological safety.
In my perspective, candor and bravery are intrinsic values. They embolden an individual to voice opinions, even if they swim against the current. On the other hand, psychological safety is an external construct, molded by the collective efforts of a team to ensure every member feels not only able but compelled to express their viewpoints.
A recurring theme throughout our discussions was the necessity for unwavering discipline. This discipline was not just about doing the work but doing it with intentionality, seriousness, and dedication.
Our deliberations offered a deep dive into the intricate maze that is group dynamics. And while we hoped for a clear resolution, the truth is, we couldn't pinpoint a one-size-fits-all solution. Nonetheless, our dialogue proved invaluable. We managed to spotlight the underlying issues – often, recognizing the problem is half the battle.
Have you experienced a similar tension between open honesty and the need for a safe communicative space?