Top 5 Benefits of Using LEGO Serious Play for Team Building

It’s More Than Just Fun!


Top 5 Benefits of LEGO Serious Play for Team Building

Top 5 Benefits of using LEGO Serious Play in Team Building -

Yesterday I shared my podcast appearance on Top5, and I had a lot of fun making the list - so here it is!

1. Diminished Consciousness of Self
This is an attribute of play, not just LEGOs. When we are in a state of play we don't think about ourselves as much and focus more on the activity we are engaged int.

2. Inverted Persuasion
When we speak in groups, there is often a persuasive element as people try to push their POV or idea. Yet in LSP, that energy is refocused into creativity, where participants are trying to make clever and insightful models.

3. Equitable Expression
Everyone builds, everyone shares.

4. Curious Listening
People are often waiting for their turn to speak when they should be listening. Yet when that idea or insight is presented as a LEGO model that looks like something a 5 year old might whip up that peaks a lot of peoples' curiosity, especially when they are also sharing a weird abstract model.

5. Time Compression
Model building usually takes 3-5 minutes and individual sharing occurs in 30-90 seconds. The model holds most of the meaning. This means more insights and more sharing in less time. Not to mention the elimination of tangents.

If any of these sound interesting to you, let's chat!

LSP is a magical communication methodology that people love. Your team will love it too.


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