Does Your Team Have an Air Sandwich Communication Challenge?

Are Executive and Operations Teams Connected?

Communication Gaps in Teams

Communication gaps in Teams Based on Hierarchy

Have you ever heard of an air sandwich?

It's when:

🍞Leadership has a clear strategy (Top piece of bread)
💨Nothing in the middle
🍞 Day to day execution doesn't change (Bottom piece of bread)

A friend introduced me to this term the other day, and I found it quite interesting (I love a good analogy)

There are quite a few reasons this can happen, but I think there are a few that top the list.

1. Communication Breakdowns: The strategy is too complex or the skills to translate into execution isn't present.
2. Middle Management Alignment and Engagement: Buy-in and understanding as to what to do, how, and when needs to be
3. Resource Allocation: New work needs new resources or shifted prioritization (Something has to come off the table)

One of the biggest challenges that compounds the air sandwich effect is the level of domain expertise from a hierarchy lens.

As leaders look at the forest, and operational staff looks at the trees. Someone has to figure out the transition between the two.

These domain barriers are not only common in hierarchal variances, but also cross functionally.

The best fix? Finding common ground through empathy and understanding.

This can be found not from delegation or force, but from asking questions and listening with curiosity.

True understanding from all levels allows for everyone to seek win-win scenarios because success is defined clearly for all.

Need help putting the fillings into your air sandwich? Contact us for one of our beyond team building events today!

What do you think? Have you encountered an air sandwich? How would you fix it?


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