Using LEGO Serious Play with Entrepreneurs and Future Builders

Discover the Transformative Power of LEGO in Entrepreneurial Strategy and Team Building

Last week, I had the privilege of orchestrating yet another "Future Builders" session. And let me tell you, the room was electric! Filled with the energy of some of the most innovative and ambitious minds, it was clear that this wasn’t just another gathering.

From the get-go, the atmosphere was one of fervent creativity. We commenced with playful, yet essential building exercises – a nostalgic nod to our childhood, reacquainting with the joy of piecing together LEGO bricks. This was more than mere play; it was a warm-up for the mind.

Then came the profound part - each participant molded their aspirations, embodying their dreams of who they wished to become in colorful bricks and imaginative designs. It was enlightening to see the vast range of ambitions and how uniquely they were represented.

Shifting gears, we delved deep into entrepreneurial mindset:

  • What challenges are we eager to tackle?

  • How do our solutions stand out in the marketplace?

  • What are our Achilles' heels, the potential pitfalls threatening our ambitions?

And perhaps most crucially:

  • What wisdom can we impart to ourselves to sidestep those looming obstacles?

Through this LEGO Serious Play (LSP) method, the magic really unfurled. It wasn’t just about bricks and structures; it was about introspection, shared insights, and collaborative problem-solving. All these profound lessons, vulnerabilities, and strategies vividly came to life in our LEGO creations.

LSP isn't just a game. It's a game-changer. It aids in honing communication skills, fostering a listening culture imbued with curiosity, and offering a tangible 3D lens to visualize our aspirations, hurdles, and strategies.

So, for every high-performing individual or dynamic team out there, ponder this: What if your next big breakthrough is just a LEGO brick away? If this piques your curiosity, let’s collaborate and construct your future, one brick at a time.


Unlocking the Mind: Achieve Clarity with LEGO Serious Play


Amplify Team Connection in Record Time with LEGO Serious Play!