Amplify Team Connection in Record Time with LEGO Serious Play!

Fast-Track Connection with LEGO Serious Play!

Have you noticed the traditional see-saw between time and connection in team-building exercises? The assumption has long been that deeper connection requires more time. But what if you could challenge this notion and have both - high connection in less time?

Meet the fascinating concept of identifying contradictions in the realm of innovation. Just as a seesaw functions, when one side rises, the other dips. The art of innovation lies in making both ends elevate simultaneously.

In the context of teams, while traditional outings like happy hours or paint nights offer low time, low connection experiences, more extensive ventures like off-sites and retreats bring about deeper connections but require a more significant time investment. However, the ultimate team-building nirvana resides in the high connection, low time quadrant.

So, how do LEGO Serious Play workshops fit into this picture?

The magic lies in the power of metaphors. When participants shape their ideas using LEGO bricks, their 3D models express their thoughts more comprehensively than words ever could. The result? More profound listening, better understanding, and quicker insights!

To quantify this, consider a recent session I conducted for a group of 36 individuals. In just 90 minutes, they exchanged a staggering 252 insights, all while enjoying the imaginative, playful aura LEGO Serious Play naturally infuses.

In essence, LEGO Serious Play isn't just a team-building method; it's an innovation that defies the age-old contradiction between time and connection.

Are you ready to revolutionize your team's connection paradigm? Embrace contradictions, unlock new perspectives, and give LEGO Serious Play a try! Discover the unique method where every participant builds, shares, reflects, and connects.

Reach out to us, and let's usher in a new era of accelerated connection for your teams!


Using LEGO Serious Play with Entrepreneurs and Future Builders


Boosting Team Synergy with the Core LEGO Serious Play Builds