
Amplify Team Connection in Record Time with LEGO Serious Play!
Brandon Wetzstein Brandon Wetzstein

Amplify Team Connection in Record Time with LEGO Serious Play!

The ideal solution solves for these opposing forces - and results in high connection, low time - The upper right quadrant.   This is where we come in. The reason our workshops and team building events can live in the upper right quadrant is the efficiency of communicating via metaphor.  When people build their thoughts and ideas out of LEGO bricks, the model, as a metaphor, does MOST of the talking.  Less talking > More Listening > More Understanding

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HOW to Build a LEGO Duck - Part 2
Brandon Wetzstein Brandon Wetzstein

HOW to Build a LEGO Duck - Part 2

Uncover the art of storytelling through LEGO in Part 2 of our series. By adding context and narrative to a simple LEGO Duck, we unveil how individuals can convey their emotions, anticipations, and experiences. Join us to see the power of these tiny bricks in narrating complex feelings.

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HOW to Build a LEGO Duck - Part 1
Brandon Wetzstein Brandon Wetzstein

HOW to Build a LEGO Duck - Part 1

Dive into the fascinating world of LEGO Serious Play with Part 1 of our series on duck building. Discover how a simple exercise of constructing a duck from 6 LEGO bricks unveils the vast diversity of perspectives and interpretations we each hold. Experience the realization that, just like in life, we all view and construct our LEGO worlds uniquely.

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