HOW to Build a LEGO Duck - Part 1

We all have nuanced perspectives


Using the LEGO Serious Play method demonstration of duck building, we look at how our nuanced perspectives of the world can be shown in an easy way.

If you were handed a bag of 6 LEGO bricks and asked to build a duck, what would you come up with?

You might think everyone else will build the same duck as you because we all know what a duck looks like, right?

This is not the case! There are over 6000 ducks that can be built, and people routinely build very different ducks from one another.

I once did this in a room of 50 people and there was only 1 duplicate duck!

This goes to show that we all view the world a little differently, just like the duck. We may think others see things the same way, but when we build our ideas out of LEGO bricks, the nuanced perspectives are unearthed!


HOW to Build a LEGO Duck - Part 2


Applying LEGO Serious Play to supply chain