HOW to Build a LEGO Duck - Part 3 Case Study

Applying the duck build to an organzation


We look at examples of what people built when asked to build a duck that showed how they felt about their organization.

In our last two videos, we built ducks out of LEGO bricks that showed how we have nuanced perspective.

Then we added stories to our ducks to show what we were most excited about.

In this video we look at an actual question of value to an organization. A group was asked to build a duck that showed how they felt about their organization at the time.

The ducks showed some powerful stories.

One duck was top heavy and nearly falling over. This represented the recent hiring of new senior management roles with no additional support.

Another duck was simply a pile of pieces. This represented the disconnection between teams and the lack of shared direction and communication.

Eight ducks in all were built, and the complex stories were shared by all in 15 minutes!

This underscores the magic of story building. The bricks hold much of the weight when sharing and less language is needed.

This is how we can achieve deeper insights and deeper connection in less time than traditional conversation.


Reveal Your Team’s Identity: The First Step to Elevating Team Performance


HOW to Build a LEGO Duck - Part 2