Reveal Your Team’s Identity: The First Step to Elevating Team Performance

Unlocking the Core Identity of Modern Teams in a Hybrid World

In every professional journey, we find ourselves collaborating with various teams. What binds these teams together? Their distinct character.

Amid the changing landscape of modern work, particularly with the rise of hybrid and remote teams, how can leaders harness this unique character to consistently uplift team performance? I've identified six pivotal pillars that can uplift any team:

  • Identity

  • Trust

  • Vision

  • Communication

  • Creativity

  • Development

Topping the list is comprehending your team's identity. Grasp the intricacies of each member— from their innate talents, values, work approaches, to their interpersonal dynamics.

A 2011 study by Bryan, Walters, Rogers, and Dweck showcased the power of identity. They demonstrated how labeling participants as "voters" increased voting intent and action compared to merely framing it as a behavior. James Clear echoed this sentiment in his book, "Atomic Habits," suggesting that rooting habits within one's identity—such as transforming from someone trying to eat well to someone who inherently eats healthily—fortifies behavior. This taps into our innate desire for consistency: aligning our self-perception with our actions.

Translating this to a team setting, pinpointing identity collectively poses its challenges. This is where innovative methods, like the LEGO Serious Play, come into the picture. It allows individual representations of team identity to merge into a comprehensive group perspective. But for those looking for a more traditional approach, a written exercise where team members delineate their perception of the team's character can be just as enlightening.

Unveiling your team's identity not only forms a solid foundation for growth but also streamlines the onboarding process for newcomers. Once this bedrock is established, delving into the other pillars—trust, vision, communication, creativity, and development—becomes significantly more impactful.

Stay tuned as we delve deeper into these pivotal elements in upcoming discussions.

With a well-defined team identity, you're primed with a robust launchpad for growth and a clear framework for integrating fresh talent.


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