
How Progressive and Conservative Viewpoints Shape Organizational Culture
Brandon Wetzstein Brandon Wetzstein

How Progressive and Conservative Viewpoints Shape Organizational Culture

The conservative approach may stifle growth by not changing or growing fast enough (Blockbuster anyone?) The progressive approach may change too much and too fast, creating chaos. Not every idea is a good idea, (Many are just downright bad) and risk is part of doing anything new. Thus a balance will be struck somewhere in-between based on the core attitudes and beliefs of the organization or group.

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Boost Employee Engagement with Bare Bones Drafts
Brandon Wetzstein Brandon Wetzstein

Boost Employee Engagement with Bare Bones Drafts

Imagine pouring your best effort into a project or deck, only to have it completely reversed or changed when shared. Not only is this a detriment to engagement of an employee or team, but it might even result in turnover if it happens often.

This is a huge problem for leaders that are not great communicators.

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Unraveling Thoughts: LEGO Serious Play for Goal Setting
Brandon Wetzstein Brandon Wetzstein

Unraveling Thoughts: LEGO Serious Play for Goal Setting

In a recent presentation on play, I shared this exercise as a way to view a goal in a unique way- by using LEGO bricks!

Step 1: Build YOU

Step 2: Build your goal - what is it you are trying to achieve

Step 3: Build the most likely barrier to your success - place it between you and your goal.

Step 4: Build how you will prevent this barrier or overcome it.

Although this isn’t technically LEGO Serious Play - You are using the elements of metaphor, 3D, and mental offloading to better understand your scenario. Imagine how much more powerful this could be if done in a group! (Hint- A lot!)

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Unlocking the Mind: Achieve Clarity with LEGO Serious Play
Brandon Wetzstein Brandon Wetzstein

Unlocking the Mind: Achieve Clarity with LEGO Serious Play

Your mind is a messy attic…

There is a ton of stuff being stored up there and you can't always access what you want.

With objects, we can mentally offload information onto them, allowing us to see, rearrange, and even play with them, providing new perspectives and a deeper understanding. You also get benefit of externalization.

On top of these benefits, we get something called detachment gain. According to Daniel Reisberg, this is the cognitive benefit we receive from putting a bit of distance between ourselves and the content of our minds

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Using LEGO Serious Play with Entrepreneurs and Future Builders
Brandon Wetzstein Brandon Wetzstein

Using LEGO Serious Play with Entrepreneurs and Future Builders

What is the problem that we are trying to solve? What is the solution and why is it unique?

What is our kryptonite- the most likely failure cause for each of us?

What is a piece of advice we can give ourselves to avoid that failure point. 

This is the true power of LSP - We learn from ourselves, we learn from others, and we dive out of reality to gain a new and better perspective on how to best move forward before diving back in.

The benefits- Communicate succinctly, Listen with curiosity and wonder , and use 3D to understand goals, barriers, and the path forward.

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